Lumbee Indian Links

The following web sites provide history, facts and data for the Lumbee Indians, including their connection with the Lost Colony of Roanoke, VA.

Lumbee Indians The Lumbee Times online newsletter

Lumbee and Lost Colony  The Lumbee connections with the Lost Colony

Lumbee People of the Dark Water  WRAL TV Documentary A/V

Native Americans  Charlotte's Web Native American Home

The Lumbee  Charlotte's Web page for the Lumbee Tribe

Tribal History  The Lumbee history

Federal Designation  Federal designation of The Lumbee Indians

Lost Colonists  The known names of members of the second colony at Roanoke, also known as the 1587 Colony, or  The "Lost" Colony.

John White  Facts about Govenor John White

The Lost Colony Britanica's information on The Lost Colony

The Lost Colony Roanoke Island, VA history and facts

Several Lost Colony Theories  J. D. Davis' anthology

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